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Introduction This document is intended to instruct users on how to utilize the DocXsite API. Users may use this document as a guide for when operating on DocXsite’s platform. This guide contains key features on the API, definitions and images that correspond to specific features.

Why integrate with DocXsite?

Ease of integration: simple API call lets you build websites in no time! Supports dynamic data, images and text - unlimited support for any type of content.

Grow faster: Use DocXsite’s platform to reach more customers by connecting to the market advantages. Focus your energies on selling your services and allow DocXsite to handle the hassle of the behind technical work.

One point sale: Host and control your customer websites under one account. Use DocXsite’s Live View technology to maintain dynamic content and template design.

Rich earning potential: Earn up to 20% referral rate on hosting plans + up to 80% for each Temple sale.

Key concept using DocXsite and API calls

The templates on DocXsite are essentially what create your website. DocXsite has a large selection of templates in every category listed. You can find a template that best suits your needs by browsing through each category. Once you have chosen the perfect one, you may create a DocXsite website out of it. Every Template has an owner (account) who created the template.

Users also have the option to create their own template and be a template owner by selecting the “” as the base template.

Template owners may also have the option to list it on the market to allow other users to purchase it for use (see market_template method for more info). Every DocXsite website that was created out of a template earns royalty fee described above.

There are two ways to work on DocXsite:

  1. DocXsite Dashboard.
  2. API calls.

In this guide we will cover the API calls. Before using the API you must have an active account with us and a valid API key:

Generate API Key

To generate an API key, first log-in to your account, click on the user icon (right-top corner) and select API-keys and credentials”. In the API-keys and credentials” dialog, click “Create” and follow the instructions on the screen. You can generate multiple keys and use them in the API call as needed. Once you have the Api-key, you ready to go with DocXsite API.

API usage

Before using the API, log in to your dashboard and retrieve your API key from the top right corner user menu.

1. Create your own template


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=create_template \
 -d plan=ultimate 


"code": 1000,
"desc": "Success",
"info": {"id": "[your_template_id]"}

Users have the option to create their own template by downloading the “Vinyl template”. In order for a website to be created users who download the vinyl template must create a Header,Home Page, Footer, Site and CSS_CLASSES. These 5 important components are the basic makeup of the website and must be included in the vinyl template in order for the website to be created.

Creating Template Workflow Diagram

2. Edit your new template

The template that you just created has a basic structure (see DocXsite Basic Structure section for more info) and needs to be modified in the dashboard at


(see for more info).

3. Create your first DocXsite website

Create Preview cURL

curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=create_preview_docxsite \
 -d \
 -d data-company="ABC Company."

Create Preview Reponse

      "server_location":"United States, New York"

There is a 2 step process to create a DocXsite website.

1. Create a preview with all the information inside

It is important to separate step 1 and 2. If the user doesn't like the template created then instead of activating it (next step), they could delete and recreate a new DocXsite with their added changes.

2. Activate the DocXsite

Before activating a DocXsite, make sure the DNS record is pointed to the IP returned in the preview DocXsite.

This method is used to activate a docxsite that is in the preview status.

Activate Preview cURL

curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=activate_preview_docxsite 

Activate Reponse

"code": 1200,
"desc": "Success",
"info": {
  "ip" :  [ The server Ip Address ], 
  "country" : "US",
  "state" : "NY",
  "domain_name" : "[made-up-domain-name]" 

3. Completed

Now that your DocXsite website is created under your account, you may now access your dashboard with the link in the response activate and enjoy all the exclusive features DocXsite offers.

More API options

To add additional functionalities to your DocXsite, such as adding pages or changing an entry etc., explore our documentation below for more API calls.

API Structure


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=rename_file 


  "code": "[Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error]",
  "desc": "[Response description]",
  "info": "[Additional return info]" 


"api-key": "1599-f451875f148b53d1c37a65d5953e3741",
"method": "create_template",
"data": {"template_id": "locksmith-12345"} 

"code": 1000,
"desc": "Success",
"info": {"id": ""}

Here is the common data structure of the API usage:


Parameter Description
api-key (string) insert API Key
method (string) method to use in the request
data (object) data structured such as [{key:val,...}]


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) Additional return info

API Methods

Create Template

Method Name: create_template


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=create_template 

This method is to create DocXsite template from source template. The source template must be DocXsite’s qualified template or any other template under the account’s ownership.


Parameter Description
new_template_id determines the name of the new template. It is optional and if not posted then DocXsite will auto generate template_id. If users already have a domain name that is available, they may write in the box and DocXsite will use it. However, if the domain name is not available (already taken or haven't been purchased), you will receive an error email back asking to change the domain name for one that is available. Or, users can always leave it blank and DocXsite will do the job to generate one for you. (optional) (defualt: the curl request )
hosting_plan Select hosting plan for the template (see hosting plan section for more info). Valid values are: “Basic”, “SEO”, “PRO” or “Ultimate”. (optional) (defualt: basic )


  "code": 1000,
  "desc": "Success",
  "info": {"id": "[your_template_id]"}


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) Additional return info

Create Preview DocXsite

Method Name: create_preview_docxsite


curl \
 -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
 -F api-key=api_key \
 -F method=create_preview_docxsite \
 -F data-company="ABC Company." \
 -F data-logo="file=@/Desktop/somefile.png"

Users have the ability to create a preview DocXsite from template. The Template must meet the following criteria:

  1. Listed in
  2. Unlisted but authorized for usage by the owner
  3. Authorized by owner to selected accounts.
  4. Template under your account.


Parameter Description
domain_name (string) a valid domain name for the website
country_code (string) the Country where the website will be served. List of codes can be found at:
state_code (string) the State where the website will be served, list of codes [USPS] can be found at:
data (object) pairs of keys and values to be sent to the template. (Pictures values need base64 or url where the picture hosted.)
recipient_email (string) set email address to assign the preview DocXsite. That will create an account for the recipient based on the email address.
send_email_notification (boolean) true/false, true = will send an email to the recipient.
email_message (string) type message for the email.
minute_to_expire (date) The expiration date to delete the preview DocXsite. When blank, the preview DocXsite will need to be deleted manually.


      "server_location":"United States, New York"


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) The preview DocXsite id, the preview DocXsite url, ip address where the final DocXsite will be hosted, country, state.

Activate Preview DocXsite

Method Name: activate_preview_docxsite


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=activate_preview_docxsite 

Before activating a DocXsite, make sure the DNS record is pointed to the IP returned in the preview DocXsite.

This method is used to activate a docxsite that is in the preview status


Parameter Description
hosting_plan select hosting plan for the template (see hosting plan section for more info). Valid values are: “Basic”, “SEO”, “PRO” or “Ultimate”. (Default Baisc)
preview_docxsite_id (string) ID returned in the preview DocXsite (required)
domain_name (string) Domain name to connect the DocXsite
country_code (string) the Country where the website will be served. List of codes can be found at:
state_code (string) the State where the website will be served, list of codes [USPS] can be found at:

Delete Preview DocXsite

Method Name: delete_preview_docxsite


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=delete_preview_docxsite \
 -d preview_docxsite_id=ds-1567205068049-gzvvl

Use this method to delete a DocXsite preview.


Parameter Description
preview_docxsite_id the preview_docxsite_id as returned from the “create_preview_docxsite” method.

Get DocXsite Info

Method Name: get_docxsite_info


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=get_docxsite_info \

Use this method to retrieve DocXsite info.


Parameter Description
docxsite_id (string) could be “template_id”, “docxsite_preview_id” or “docxsite_id”


            "placeholder":"Abc Toys Inc."
            "placeholder":"(XXX) XXX-XXXX"


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info DocXsite URL, IP, Country, State

Alter DocXsite Entry

Method Name: alter_docxsite_entry


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=alter_docxsite_entry \
 -d alter_method=update \
 -d entry_name=company \
 -d data={"company":"abc"}

Alter DocXsite entries (See Template/Website structure for more details). Altering entrees such as a page or a widget etc. (See Template/Website structure for more details).


Parameter Description
alter_method (string) [create/update/delete]
entry_name (string) entry name as listed in DocXsite Template structure
data (object) data to pass

Publish DocXsite

Method Name: publish_docxsite


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=publish_docxsite \
 -d apply_to_all_related_docxsites=false 

Use this method to publish changes made by the alter_docxsite_entry method. This action perform page indexing and other essential operations that can take several minutes to complete.


Parameter Description
apply_to_all_related_docxsites (boolean) true/false


  "code": 1000,
  "desc": "Success",
  "info": { "[list of docxsite reflected by this action]"}


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) list of docxsite reflected by this action

Change Ownership

Method Name: change_ownership


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=change_ownership \
 -d new_account_id=accountid 

Change the ownership of a DocXsite to another account.


Parameter Description
new_account_id (string) the recipient account id

Get DocXsite Entry

Method Name: get_docxsite_entry


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=get_docxsite_entry \
 -d entry_name=company 

This method retrieves the data stored in the entre.


Parameter Description
entry_name (string) entry name as listed in DocXsite Template structure (optional)


  "code": 1800,
  "desc": "Success",
  "info": { "[entry object]"}


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (string) entry name as listed in DocXsite Template structure (optional)

If there is no entree specified, the response will return all the entries.

Delete DocXsite

Method Name: delete_docxsite


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=delete_docxsite  

Delete DocXsite and all dependencies from DocXsite’s servers.

Suspend DocXsite

Method Name: suspend_docxsite


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=suspend_docxsite \
 -d suspend_code=410

This method suspends a DocXsite temporarily. Users will see a 404 message.


Parameter Description
suspend_code (number) see list below
suspend_reason (string) free description (optional)


codes Description
410 suspended balance
420 suspended abuse
430 suspended other

Close DocXsite

Method Name: close_docxsite


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=close_docxsite \
 -d close_message="my website is cool"

Close DocXsite temporarily.

The website will be replaced with landing page “Website Temporarily unavailable”.


Parameter Description
close_message (string) Message to show on the landing page
resume_docxsite_minutes (number) minutes to auto resume the website (optional)


      "expire_date":"2019-08-28 16:46"


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (date) Returns the date of auto resume

The website will be replaced with landing page "Website unavailable".

Resume DocXsite

Method Name: resume_docxsite


curl \ 
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=resume_docxsite

Resume DocXsite from down state.


Parameter Description
resume_reason (string) Internal description (optional)


  "code": 1100,
  "desc": "Success",
  "info": { "[list of vars key,value]"}



Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) list of vars key, value

Change Plan

Method Name: change_hosting_location


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=change_plan \
 -d new_hosting_plan=ultimate

This method is for changing hosting plan. If hosting plan was changed, then the usage amount will be applied to the new hosting amount.


Parameter Description
new_hosting_plan (string) select hosting plan for the DocXsite website (see hosting plan section for more info).

Change Hosting Location

Method Name: change_hosting_location


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=change_hosting_location \
 -d country_code=US \
 -d state_code=FL

This method is used to change the current hosting location to another location. For example, if a DocXsite is hosted in NYC, this method allows it to be relocated to SFO.

Country/State is where the website will be served. DocXsite will optimize the nearest server for best performance.


Parameter Description
country_code (string) the Country where the website will be served. List of codes can be found at:
state_code (string) the State where the website will be served, list of codes [USPS] can be found at:


  "code": 1400,
  "desc": "Success",
  "info": {
    "ip": "[ip server address where the DocXsite is be hosted]",
    "country" : "US",
    "state" : "NY" 


Reponse Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (object) IP, Country, State of the website location

Change Domain

Method Name: change_domain


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=change_domain \

This method is used to change the current DocXsite domain name to a new domain name.


Parameter Description
new_domain_name (string) the new domain name to be changed to.

Upload File

Method Name: upload_file


curl \
 -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
 -F api-key=api_key \
 -F method=upload_file \
 -F "file=@/Desktop/somefile.png"

This method is used to upload file to the "uploads" folder of the DocXsite. The response will return the URL in which it could be used to preview the uploaded files.


Parameter Description
/Desktop/somefile.png (string) The image path on disk.




Object Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info > url (string) Url of uploaded file
info > size (string) Size of uploaded file

Delete File

Method Name: delete_file


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=delete_file \
 -d file_name="somefile.png"

This method is used to delete files from the “uploads” folder of the posted DocXsite.


Parameter Description
file_name (string) the file name to delete (with the extension).

Rename File

Method Name: rename_file


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=rename_file \
 -d file_name="somefile.png" \
 -d new_file_name="somefile.png"

This method is used to rename files from the “uploads” folder of the DocXsite.


Parameter Description
file_name (string) the file name to renamed (with the extension).
new_file_name (string) the new file name to rename to (with the extension).

Optimize Picture

Method Name: optimize_picture


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=optimize_picture \
 -d file_name="somefile.png"

This method is used to optimize the picture size that is located in the “uploads” folder of a DocXsite. The response will return the current and the new size of a given picture.


Parameter Description
file_name (string) the file name to optimize (with the extension eg. .png, .jpg).




Object Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info > url (string) returned url
info > size_before (number) size before Optimize
info > size_after (number) size after Optimize

Get DocXsite List

Method Name: get_docxsite_list


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=get_docxsite_list 

Returns all associated DocXsites.




Object Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info (array) returned urls

Get DocXsite Server

Method Name: get_docxsite_server


curl \
 -d api-key=api_key \
 -d method=get_docxsite_server \
 -d country_code=US \
 -d state_code=FL \

Returns the nearest Server IP to the country and state post.


     "server_location":"United States, New York"


Object Description
code (number) Positive value = Success, Negative value = Error
desc (string) Response description
info > server_ip (string) the IP of the server.
info > server_location (string) the location of the server.

DocXsite Structure

The basic structure DocXsite must include: header, footer, site, css classes, and a home page in order for a website to be created. These 5 important components are the basic makeup of your website and MUST be included in your vinyl template in order for a website to be created.

Users can pick from DocXsite’s built in header or import a custom header. Here is an example of the built-in header.

Header Structure:

    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "%site_background_color",
        "background_image": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": ""
    "telephone": {
        "number": "%tel",
        "style": {
            "fore_color": "%highlight_text_color",
            "background_color": "%highlight_color",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
    "logo": { 
        "style": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
    "menu": {
        "style": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "items": {
                "fore_color": "%site_text_color",
                "fore_color_hover": "%highlight_text_color",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_color_hover": "%highlight_color",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": ""
            "sub_items": {
                "fore_color": "%highlight_text_color",
                "fore_color_hover": "%site_text_color",
                "background_color": "%highlight_color",
                "background_color_hover": "%site_background_color",
                "css_class": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": ""
        "items": [
                "name": "Home",
                "href": "home"

Header Components

Components Description
telephone set up/style for the telephone, for best practices, insert %tel in the number value.
logo styling for the logo.
menu set up/style for the menu items and sub items.
menu > items items rendered in the menu, please reference to the table below to view the rendering options.
Items Description
name (string) the name is whats desplayed when redering the item.
href (string) the href is displayed in the URL search while page (below) is the actual page navigation. If the page (below) is empty, you much specify a DocXsite page entry. If the page (below) is filled, is masked.
page (string) the page entree.
arguments (object) passing arguments to the page through the click.
menu > items > sub_menu_items (array) to create a sub menu for one of the items you need to create a sub_menu_items array, then insert name, href and page.

To better understand how the items are built and rendered please refer to the items section in the code.

Example of how the built in header looks like

Users can pick from DocXsite’s built in footer or importing a custom footer. Here is an example of the built-in footer.

FOOTER Structure:

    "style": {  
        "fore_color": "%content_text_color",
        "background_color": "%content_background_color",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
    "menu": {  
        "style": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "align": "",
            "items": {  
                "fore_color": "",
                "fore_color_hover": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_color_hover": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "align": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "width": ""
            "sub_items": {  
                "fore_color": "",
                "fore_color_hover": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_color_hover": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": ""
        "items": [
                "name": "Home",
                "href": "home"
    "contact_info": {  
        "name": "%company",
        "address": "%location-address",
        "email": "%email",
        "tel": "%tel",
        "style": {
            "fore_color": "%highlight_text_color",
            "background_color": "%highlight_color",
            "background_image": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "width": "",
            "align": "center",
            "font_family": "",
            "items": {
                "fore_color": "%highlight_text_color",
                "fore_color_hover": "",
                "background_color": "%highlight_color",
                "background_color_hover": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": ""
        "social_media": {  
            "items": {
                "google": "",
                "facebook": "",
                "twitter": "",
                "linkedin": "",
                "youtube": "",
                "yelp": "",
                "houzz": ""
            "style": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": ""
        "show_credit_cards": false

Header Components

Components Description
menu set up/style for the menu items and sub items.
contact_info set up/style for the information in the footer.
social_media set up for the social media.
Items Description
name (string) the name is whats desplayed when redering the item.
href (string) the href is displayed in the URL search while page (below) is the actual page navigation. If the page (below) is empty, you much specify a DocXsite page entry. If the page (below) is filled, is masked.
page (string) the page entree.
arguments (object) passing arguments to the page through the click.
menu > items > sub_menu_items (array) to create a sub menu for one of the items you need to create a sub_menu_items array, then insert name, href and page.

To better understand how the items are built and rendered please refer to the items section in the code.

Contact Info

Items Description
name (string)
address (string)
email (string)
tel (string)

Social Media

Items Description
google (string) URL (https://)
facebook (string) URL (https://)
facebook (string) URL (https://)
linkedin (string) URL (https://)
youtube (string) URL (https://)
yelp (string) URL (https://)
houzz (string) URL (https://)

Credit Cards Icons

Items Description
show_credit_cards (boolean) true/false


SITE Structure:

    "default_page": "home",
    "info": {
        "domain": "%domain_name", 
        "name": "%company",
        "owner": "",
        "address": "%address",
        "email": "%email",
        "tel": "%tel",
        "category": ""
    "micro_data_itemtype": "",
    "google_business_verifintion_code": "", 
    "google_tag_manager_id": "",
    "common": { 
        "favicon": "%logo", 
        "logo": "%logo",
        "logo_href": "%logo_href" 
    "desktop": { 
        "google_fonts": [ 
        "external_css": [],
        "external_js": [],
        "default_fore_color": "%site_text_color",
        "default_background_color": "%site_background_color",
        "default_background_image": "",
        "default_font_family": "%site_font_family",
        "default_css_class": "text-inset-css",
        "google_analytics_tracking_id": "",
        "arguments": { 
            "device": "d-"
    "mobile": {
        "google_fonts": [ 
        "external_css": [],
        "external_js": [],
        "default_fore_color": "%site_text_color",
        "default_background_color": "%site_background_color",
        "default_background_image": "",
        "default_font_family": "%site_font_family",
        "default_css_class": "text-inset-css",
        "google_analytics_tracking_id": "",
        "arguments": {
            "device": "m-"
        "arguments": {


SITE Components

Components Description
default_page default landing page
info info for the website
allow_live_preview_domains domain name
micro_data_itemtype micro data support (website industry)
google_business_verifintion_code google verification code
google_tag_manager_id google tag manager
common common assets used in the website
common > favicon favicon
common > logo logo
common > logo_href logo href upon clicking
desktop > google_fonts fonts import
desktop > external_css importing external css to the website
desktop > external_js importing external js to the website
desktop > default_fore_color default color
desktop > default_background_color default background color
desktop > default_background_image default background image
desktop > default_font_family default font family
desktop > default_css_class default class
desktop > google_analytics_tracking_id google analytics id
desktop > arguments desktop device detect
mobile > google_fonts fonts import
mobile > external_css importing external css to the website
mobile > external_js importing external js to the website
mobile > default_fore_color default color
mobile > default_background_color default background color
mobile > default_background_image default background image
mobile > default_font_family default font family
mobile > default_css_class default class
mobile > google_analytics_tracking_id google analytics id
mobile > arguments mobile device detect
arguments variables for site


CSS Classes enables full customization experience for both desktop and mobile.

CSS_CLASSES Structure:

  "desktop": {},
  "mobile": {}

CSS_CLASSES Components

Components Description
desktop custom classes for desktop
mobile custom classes for mobile


Components type Description
TXT textarea Plain text area
RTF textarea Rich Text Format (RTF)
XXX input Text
NUM input Number
TEL input Telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx
NUM input Number
URL input URL
IMU input Image URL
DNA input Domain name
MP4 file MP4 file
IMX file XSmall Image (30px)
IMS file Small Image (150px)
IMM file Medium Image (400px)
IML file Large Image (800px)
IMH file HD Image (1920px)
IMG file Any Size Image
YTB input YouTube video Id: RGynCZn7UpE
CLR input Color
EMA input Email
PAG input Page

Page Entry

Page Structure:

    "name": "", // page name
    "style": { // page style
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": ""
    "title": {
        "style": { // header section settings
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "fit_background_width": "screen", // header section width
            "fit_background_height": "screen_half", // header section height
            "animation": "fade_out"
        "items": [ // items for header section
                "main": "",
                "sub": "",
                "description": "",
                "html": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "button": "",
                "button_href": "",
                "style": {
                    "background_parallax": "",
                    "background_color": "",
                    "background_filter": "",
                    "font_family": "",
                    "css_class": "",
                    "animation": "",
                    "vertical_align": "", // valign text 
                    "horizontal_align": "", // horizontal align text
                    "main": { // style for main (title)
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "align": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": ""
                    "sub": { // style for main (subtitle)
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": ""
                    "description": { // style for description
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": ""
                    "button": { // style for button
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "fore_color_hover": "",
                        "background_color_hover": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": ""
                    "html": { // style for html
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": ""
    "seo": {
        "meta_keywords": "", // meta keyword for page
        "meta_description": "", // meta description for page
        "shortcut_image": "" // meta picture for page


    "content": [
     // all widgets inserted here

Layout Components

Components Description
title title is first component rendered under the header. Its like a slider
title > style the setup/design of the item.
title > items to better understand how the items are built and rendered please refer to the items section in the code.
seo the page SEO, includes meta_keywords, meta_description, shortcut_image.
content all the widgets of the page belong.

title > style (main usage)

Style Description
fit_background_width content / screen
fit_background_height screen / screen_half / conetnt / content_half / custom PX


Items Description
main (string) H1 tag of the page, main title.
sub (string) sub title
description (string) description
html (string) render html
background_image (string) background image
button (string) button
button_href (string) button href


Item Description
meta_keywords (string) meta keywords
meta_description (string) meta description
shortcut_image (string) shortcut image, this is an option to customize the preview of the website when its shares, Preview in a thumbnail.

Example of the page layout

Widget Entry

Widgets can be set either global or private to the page. All widgets are inserted in the content section of the page.

Global Widget

 "content": [ // page content
    "widget": "%some-widget"

Private Widget

 "content": [ // page content
    "widget": "separator",
    "header": {
      "title": "",
      "description": ""
    "style": {
      "fore_color": "",
      "background_color": "",
      "background_image": "",
      "background_parallax": "",
      "background_filter": "",
      "font_family": "",
      "css_class": ""

Built-in Variables

DocXsite provides built-in variables which provides standard color palette, fonts, device detect.

Variables Description
highlight_color (string) #000000,
site_background_color (string) #cc211e
content_background_color (string) #ffffff
banner_background_color (string) #ffffff
content_title_color (string) rgba(0,0,0,0.6)
content_sub_title_color (string) rgba(0,0,0,0.8)
banner_title_color (string) #000000
banner_sub_title_color (string) rgba(0,0,0,0.8)
site_title_color (string) rgba(255,255,255,0.6)
site_sub_title_color (string) rgba(255,255,255,0.8)
site_text_color (string) #FFFFFF
content_text_color (string) #000000
banner_text_color (string) #000000
highlight_text_color (string) #FFFFFF
site_font_family (string) Barlo

DocXsite’s Built-In Widgets

The DocXsite built-in widgets are the easiest way to create an awesome and responsive website without the need of writing a single line of HTML!

The widgets can be embedded inside a Page entry or outside as Widget entry (%widget), in which it could be called from other pages.

Widget is an object (JSON) element with predefined properties that can be fully customized upon user’s needs.

Widgets can be Downloaded/Uploaded from/to DocXsite’s Plugin store.

Widget properties dictionary

Property Type Value Notes
picture String Url or ~/uploads-path
name String Name of the item
title String Free text
href String Url / page-name
page String Page name Page entry
arguments Object “key”:”value”
picture_filter String CSS3 filter attribute
description String Url or ~/uploads-path
css_classes Object {“desktop”:{“key”:”value”},“mobile”:{“key”:”value”}) “value”=”color: red; align: right;;”
fore_color String hex/rgb/color_name
background_color String hex/rgb/color_name
font_family String font name Google fonts
background_image String Url or ~/uploads-path
width String Px or %
daily_grow Number 1-999
value Number Any
value_date Number 20-1-2019
fa String Icon name Font awesome
author String Free text Name of the author
rating Number 1-5
background_parallax boolean true/false
html_file String Url or ~/uploads-path
icon String Url or ~/uploads-path/ image
css_url Object {"desktop":[], "mobile": [])
js_url Object {"desktop": [], "mobile":[])
google_fonts Array List of google fonts names
data Object Set variables values “key”:”value”
arguments Object Data to send over a page “key”:”value”
css_class String CSS class name
items Array Collection of values, objects
widget String Widget Type “html”,”feature_gallery”,....
align String Text align Left/Right/Center/Justify

Widget Header structure

Widget Header structure

  "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "style": {
        "title": {
            "fore_color": "%content_title_color",
            "background_color": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "widget-title-css",
            "align": "center",
            "width": ""
        "description": {
            "fore_color": "%content_sub_title_color",
            "background_color": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "titles-css",
            "align": "center",
            "width": ""

Every widget design to have header structure:

Items Description
title (string) show the title text in <h2> element
description (string) show the description text in <p> element
style (object) styling the title and the description elements.

Widget Plugins structure

Widget Plugins structure

    "plugin": {
        "css_classes": {
            "desktop": {},
            "mobile": {}
        "css_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "js_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "google_fonts": [],
        "data": {}

Provide info to load local resources to the widget.

Items Description
css_classes (object) css classes to apply on the widget
css_url (object) external css to load
js_url (object) external js to load
google_fonts (object) google_fonts to load
data (object) data to set for the widget

Widget Style structure

Widget Plugins structure

    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "%content_background_color",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "services_style",
            "align": "center"
        "item": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "width": "350px",
            "height": "520px",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center",
            "picture": {
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left",
                "width": "250px"

Controls the styling of the inner part of the widget and could be various on the widget type.

Widget Style structure

Items Description
style (object) controls the WIDGET appearance (show in Blue)
style -> content (object) controls the CONTENT appearance (show in Orange)
style -> item (object) controls the ITEM/S appearance (show in Green)

Widget Name: feature_gallery

Feature Gallery Example:

    "widget": "feature_gallery",
    "plugin": {
        "css_classes": {
            "desktop": {},
            "mobile": {}
        "css_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "js_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "google_fonts": [],
        "data": {}
    "header": {
        "title": "%company",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": ""
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": ""
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center"
        "item": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "width": "370px",
            "height": "400px",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center",
            "picture": {
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "right",
                "width": "370px"
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": "370px"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "right",
                "width": "370px"
    "items": [
            "picture": "",
            "name": " ",
            "title": "",
            "href": "",
            "page": "",
            "arguments": {},
            "picture_filter": "",
            "description": ""

Widget Name: slide_gallery

Feature Gallery Example:

            "widget": "slide_gallery",
            "header": {
                "title": "",
                "description": "",
                "style": {
                    "title": {
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": "",
                        "align": "center"
                    "description": {
                        "fore_color": "",
                        "background_color": "",
                        "font_family": "",
                        "css_class": "",
                        "align": "justify"
            "gallery_folder": "",
            "style": {

                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "content": {
                    "fore_color": "",
                    "background_color": "",
                    "background_image": "",
                    "background_parallax": "",
                    "align": "center",
                    "background_filter": " ",
                    "font_family": "",
                    "css_class": ""
                "item": {
                    "fore_color": "",
                    "background_color": "",
                    "background_image": "",
                    "font_family": "",
                    "width": "100%",
                    "height": "100%",
                    "css_class": "",
                    "picture": {
                        "css_class": "",
                        "align": "left"

Slide image gallery animated random from folder by using gallery_folder


Widget Name: separator

Separator Example:

            "widget": "separator",
            "header": {
                "title": "",
                "description": ""
            "style": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": ""

The separator is designed to make a space between the sections. You can add a title and description.

Separator structure


Widget Name: counters

Counters Example:

    "widget": "counters",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "font_sub",
                "align": "center"
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "background_width": "screen",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
        "item": {
            "icon": {
                "fore_color": "%banner_text_color",
                "background_color": "",
                "css_class": ""
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "%banner_title_color",
                "background_color": "",
                "css_class": ""
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "css_class": ""
            "value": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "css_class": ""
    "items": [
            "title": "",
            "description": "",
            "href": "",
            "value": "",
            "daily_grow": "",
            "value_date": "",
            "fa": "g"

Designed to make daily growth action by passing a parameter of daily_growth.

Counters structure

Widget Name: person_gallery

Person Gallery Example:

    "widget": "person_gallery",
    "plugin": {
        "css_classes": {
            "desktop": {},
            "mobile": {}
    "header": {
        "title": "<br>",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
    "style": {
        "layout": "0",
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "background_width": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "align": "center",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
        "item": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "width": "400px",
            "height": "700px",
            "css_class": "",
            "picture": {
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left"
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": "300px"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left",
                "width": "300px"
            "social_media": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": "300px",
                "css_class": ""
    "items": [
            "picture": "",
            "title": "",
            "description": "",
            "href": "",
            "picture_filter": "",
            "social_media": {
                "items": {
                    "google": "",
                    "facebook": "",
                    "twitter": "",
                    "linkedin": "",
                    "youtube": ""

Designed to show team or persona style, including social media buttons for each item (person).


Widget Name: reviews

Reviews Example:

    "widget": "reviews",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": ""
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": ""
    "style": {
        "layout": "",
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "item": {
                "fore_color": "%site_text_color",
                "background_color": "%site_background_color",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "align": "",
                "css_class": ""
    "items": [
            "name": "",
            "text": "",
            "author": "",
            "rating": "5"


Designed to show reviews

Reviews structure

Widget Name: icon_gallery

Icon Gallery Example:

    "widget": "icon_gallery",
    "plugin": {
        "css_classes": {
            "desktop": {},
            "mobile": {}
        "css_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "js_url": {
            "desktop": [],
            "mobile": []
        "google_fonts": [],
        "data": {}
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": ""
    "style": {
        "random": "1",
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "%banner_background_color",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "background_width": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center"
        "items": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center",
            "width": "300px",
            "height": "600px",
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "width": "250px",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "icon-title",
                "align": "left"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left"
        "icons": {
            "fore_color": "%banner_text_color",
            "background_color": "",
            "css_class": ""
    "items": [
            "title": "",
            "description": "",
            "icon": "",
            "href": "",
            "fa": "",
            "style": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "background_parallax": "",
                "background_filter": "",
                "width": "250px",
                "height": "520px",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "icons": {
                    "fore_color": "",
                    "background_color": "",
                    "background_image": "",
                    "css_class": ""

Designed to show icons as picture. Please refer to font-awesome for icon usage.


Widget Name: html

HTML Example:

    "widget": "html",
    "html_file": "",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "justify"
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "align": "left",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "title": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "left"
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "align": "left",
            "height": "800px",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""

Designed the usage of external html file as a widget and assign a section to the page. This widget includes an external css and js into the JSON

HTML structure

Widget Name: button_gallery

Button Gallery Example:

    "widget": "button_gallery",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "justify"
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": ""
        "item": {
            "fore_color": "",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "width": "150px",
            "height": "150px",
            "css_class": "",
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center"
    "items": [
            "description": "",
            "title": "",
            "href": "",
            "page": "",
            "arguments": {
                "argument1": "",
                "argument2": "sale"
            "style": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "background_image": "",
                "font_family": "",
                "width": "150px",
                "height": "150px",
                "css_class": "",
                "title": {
                    "fore_color": "",
                    "background_color": "",
                    "font_family": "",
                    "css_class": "",
                    "align": "center"
                "description": {
                    "fore_color": "white",
                    "background_color": "#24346c",
                    "font_family": "",
                    "css_class": "",
                    "align": "center"

Designed to build navigation with buttons widgets.

Widget Name: youtube_gallery

YouTube Gallery Example:

    "widget": "youtube",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "style": {
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "%banner_title_color",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "%site_font_family",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "center",
                "width": ""
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "%site_font_family",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left",
                "width": ""
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "black",
        "background_color": "%banner_background_color",
        "background_image": "",
        "align": "left",
        "font_family": "%site_font_family",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "black",
            "background_color": "",
            "background_image": "",
            "align": "center",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "%site_font_family",
            "css_class": ""
        "items": {
            "width": "900px",
            "height": "400px",
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "black",
                "background_color": "",
                "font_family": "%site_font_family",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left",
                "width": "140px"
    "items": [
            "title": "",
            "youtube_id": ""

Designed to display a Youtube video.


Widget Name: coupons

Coupons Example:

    "widget": "coupon",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": ""
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "black",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "content": {
            "fore_color": "black",
            "background_color": "%content_background_color",
            "background_image": "",
            "background_parallax": "",
            "background_filter": "",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "center"
        "item": {
            "fore_color": "black",
            "font_family": "",
            "css_class": "",
            "align": "left",
            "title": {
                "fore_color": "black",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left"
            "description": {
                "fore_color": "black",
                "font_family": "",
                "css_class": "",
                "align": "left"
    "terms": "",
    "items": [
            "title": "",
            "description": "",
            "code": ""

Designed to generate a coupon preset price.

Coupons structure


Widget Name: maps

Maps Example:

    "widget": "map",
    "header": {
        "title": "",
        "description": ""
    "address": "",
    "style": {
        "fore_color": "",
        "background_color": "",
        "background_image": "",
        "background_parallax": "",
        "background_filter": "",
        "font_family": "",
        "css_class": "",
        "item": {
            "width": "30%",
            "height": "250px",
            "layout": "0"

Designed to show a map (by google) from an address

Maps structure

Template Variables

Template variables powers the magic behind DocXsite Live Preview and DocXsite Live View Engine.

The template variables is simply defined by prefixing variable with a % character, for example:

Usage in page (inside the template)

<h1> %company is the best company</h1>

%company is becoming a variable that will output dynamic data.

Supported data types:

The template variables can accept any data type such as: string | number | objects | arrays | html | css | etc.

Setting data to variables

Template variables values can be set in multiple ways:

options description
1 In the SITE entry
2 In URL call
3 GET call
4 POST call
5 API call
6 Page call
7 HTML widget call
8 DocxDB

We have provided setup examples corresponding to the methods above.

Setting the data in the SITE

Setting the data in the SITE

"arguments": {
  "company": "Puppies Inc" 

Using this method of setting data in the site, every variable set in the site will be exposed to the entire site. Variables in the SITE are set by:

In the example above, the company is now visible to the entire website.

Setting the data in URL with GET call & page=home & company=Puppies Inc

This will result:

Setting the data with GET call

Setting the data with GET call

$.get(" Inc",
 function(data, status){


Using this method of post, Variables containing a name will change

Setting the data with POST Method

Setting the data with POST Method

<form method="post" action="">
  <input name="company" value="Puppies Inc">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Using this method of post, Variables containing a name will change

Setting the data with API Calls

Setting the data with API Calls

"arguments": {
  "company": "API-"  

Using this method of post, Variables containing a name will change:

## Setting the data with Page Call

Setting the data with Page Call

    "href": "new-york-city",
    "page": "puppies-location",
    "arguments": {
        "location": "Our New York city location"

The above example will generate new-york-city webpage on the fly and will set the location variable to Our New York city location.

## Setting the data with HTML widget call

Setting the data with HTML widget call

    "items": [
            "href": "new-york-city",
            "page": "puppies-location",
            "arguments": {
                "location": "Our New York city location"
            "href": "boca-raton",
            "page": "puppies-location",
            "arguments": {
                "location": "Our Boca Raton location"

The above example will register (new-york-city and boca-raton) location to be accessible for every page.

Setting the data with DocxDB

Will be covered in docxDB reference guide.

DocXsite Live Preview Engine

DocXsite Live Preview Engine is a powerful tool to render website preview on the fly. This feature is easy to use for creating landing pages, dynamic iframes, demos, live preview, etc.

With URL & page = home & tel = 555-333-2222

With Post

POST Method

<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="company" value="ABC Company.">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Both examples will result in an instant change to the website’s phone number.

DocXsite Live View Engine

Unlike static websites, DocXsite Live View Engine introduces a lightweight solution to build dynamic web pages content.

The DocXsite Live View Engine interpitate instructions on the fly and serves the results (HTML,CSS, JAVASCRIPT) to the user’s browser in a split of a second. It uses cached dynamic variables array which accelerates the rendering process of the web pages.

The DocxDB is where the data is stored and translated into JSON. It interacts with the web pages without the need of expensive integration to an external databases with APIs.

Our DocXsite Live View Engine is optimized to work faster than ever and deliver quick results. DocXsite’s server infrastructure utilizes micro services to work with our local controllers to ensure best performance and durability.

How can the DocXsite Live View Engine help me?

In DocXsite Live View mode, you can create an extremely complex, multi-location website with hundreds of pages from only a few web pages template structure! With DocXsite Live View technology, you can build a mass array of websites by using master template approach that helps to control depended websites from single point.

DocXsite Live View Engine language markup is very simple to be used and maintained by an average user or entry level developer. Feel free to dive in to our documentation to learn more..

Hosting Plan


The Basic Hosting Plan is for those who want to create an awesome, responsive, and efficient website for desktop, mobile, and tablets. It is the most popular plan and commonly provides the basic necessary features for a day-to-day website use. Most businesses who might want to have a Basic Plan would be those who already have added value to their business.

This plan features:


The SEO Booster Hosting Plan is designed for users who are more interested in promoting their website in any search engine and to be user-friendly for Google ad-words campaigns. The website will be stored on powerful optimize web server for best performance.

This plan features:


The Pro Hosting Plan is designed for professional users who wish to create templates in DocXsite’s ecosystem. The user gets further control over DocxDB and API request calls that allows integration with external systems.

This plan features:


The Ultimate Hosting Plan is recommended for users who require complete control of DocXsite’s functions to create and manage large amount of websites through API calls. This plan is perfect for users/agencies who wish to integrate DocXsite with their systems.

This plan features:


The DocXsite API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
-5 request rejected - use https only.
-10 missing docxsite parameter.
-20 empty docxsite data.
-30 missing api-key.
-40 wrong api-key.
-50 method not defined.
-100 method not found.
-1110 invalid domain_name.
-1120 invalid country_code.
-1125 invalid state_code.
-1130 invalid recipient_email.
-1600 missing docxsite_id.
-2010 missing suspend_code.
-2020 invalid suspend_code.
-2710 error loading file.
-2720 file too big.
-2730 ext not supported.
-2810 missing file_name.
-2820 forbidden slash character in file_name.
-2830 forbidden dot character in file_name".
-2840 file_name too long.
-2850 file_name not found.
-2910 missing file_name.
-2912 forbidden slash character in file_name".
-2914 forbidden dot character in file_name.
-2916 file_name too long.
-2918 file_name not exist.
-2920 missing new_file_name.
-2922 forbidden slash character in new_file_name.
-2924 forbidden dot character in new_file_name.
-2926 new_file_name too long.
-2928 new_file_name already exist.
-2930 ext not supported.
-3010 missing file_name.
-3012 forbidden slash character in file_name.
-3014 forbidden dot character in file_name.
-3016 file_name too long.
-3018 ile_name not exist.
-3030 ext not supported.
-3220 invalid country_code.
-3225 invalid state_code.
-3510 missing rev_id.